Specialist Options


The image above is supposed to represent me as a practitioner standing out. The specialist and advanced areas of my praxis I have chosen have been re-appraised since my initial hand-in for Senior CMALT and my original successful CMALT. The intervening period has coincided with the Pivot to Online Learning linked to the COVID 19 crisis and a change in roles for me.

I almost felt like put down ‘doing things at speed’ and ‘ploughing through institutional barriers’. Yet with my new role I am consolidating different part of my offer as practitioner. What I have chosen is not unrelated to the crisis or the way out of the crisis. So for areas that are relevant I have added sections on post crisis thoughts.

Advanced Area: Leadership in Learning Technologies
Specialist Area 1: Health and Medical Education
Specialist Area 2: Supporting distance learning for both the consenting and none-consenting educator